American “super special forces” once fought aliens

Delta Force is a force that some witnesses confirmed participated in a major clash with aliens in a base deep in the desert in New Mexico.
Up to 60 soldiers and civilians were killed. Aliens armed with plasma guns fought the American Delta Force in what became known as the Battle of Dulce.

The information was revealed by the late civil engineer named Phil Schneider, who was said to have worked on secret military projects deep underground in Dulce, New Mexico.

Phil Schneider được cho đã chiến đấu với những người ngoài hành tinh.

Mr. Schneider, who was involved in developing the first atomic bomb, said he signed secret documents but later revealed the US military was working with an alien race to build the base. implicit.

The aliens, described as gray in color, are also directly linked to the Roswell incident. In which a UFO containing living aliens was said to have been captured by the military in Roswell, also in New Mexico.

But Mr. Schneider’s story continued to heat up public opinion when he revealed the battle of Dulce.

Lực lượng “siêu đặc nhiệm” Mỹ từng chiến đấu với người ngoài hành tinh ảnh 1

Dulce mystery event researcher Anthony Sanchez, founder of Umbra Research, a group dedicated to understanding the hidden and mysterious aspects behind the UFO phenomenon said in 1979, when implementing several options Mining exploration to see if they could build an underground base discovered a very old cave system where the aliens might have a base.

Schneider, when he was alive, revealed that he directly faced the gray alien and was forced to attack.

Mr. Schneider said he killed two people before being attacked with a plasma weapon.

Soon, American special forces including Delta Force went underground and engaged in a fierce battle with tall gray aliens.

During the fight, Mr. Schneider was hit by a strange plasma weapon and had part of his hand severed.

However, in 1996, Mr. Schneider died mysteriously in his own apartment. Some evidence showed that he was strangled, but authorities at that time concluded his death was due to suicide.

For decades, now again the incident related to Delta Force and Mr. Schneider’s mysterious death continues to be dug up by conspiracy theorists.

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