Heartbroken and Hungry: Abandoned Elderly Dog Found Begging for Food on the Streets

When a family abandons their dog, it is a sad situation. Some families refuse to care for sick or elderly dogs, but are unaware of the suffering they inflict on the dog when they abandon it.


Ray, an 8-year-old Labrador Retriever who had been abandoned by his family, was found walking alone on the streets of Torrance, California. His eyes were scabby and sad. Its physique was skeletal and thin, and its fur was losing in places due to hunger.


Staff at the Carson shelter in California rescued Ray. Ray’s health improved thanks to shelter volunteers, but he remained depressed. Shortly after, he was put up for adoption. It appears that the preference for elderly dogs is relatively modest.


Update: Ray has now been adopted! Ray’s feelings towards people haven’t changed at all. Keep responding to every human being with love. Seeing Ray so sad and dejected in the video broke our hearts. We hope that Ray’s spirits lift quickly and that he continues to be showered with love and care.


Please share this news with a friend or family member.

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