Huge cloud shaped like a flying saucer in Russia hints at ‘Doomsday’

Recently, photographer Vladimir Voychuk “couldn’t believe his eyes” when he accidentally captured majestic, beautiful flying saucer-shaped clouds in the Kamchatka volcanic region (Russia).

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Photographer Vladimir Voychuk said the Kamchatka volcanic area is a place where “strange” shaped clouds often appear. However, he said, this is the first time a giant cloud shaped like a flying saucer has appeared here.

After posting these images on their personal pages, many people were shocked and even afraid of the “curse” of the end of the world, when UFOs (aliens) take over the earth.

However, according to scientists’ explanations, this is a common phenomenon called “Lenten-shaped clouds”.

This phenomenon occurs when moist air condenses on top of a volcano, flows down, and “accidentally” forms the shape of a flying saucer like in science fiction movies.

Let’s take a look at this spectacular natural phenomenon:

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Vladimir Voychuk also added that these clouds are formed not only by the condensation of water vapor but also by dust, smoke and ash produced by the volcano.

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The Kamchatka volcanic region (Russia) is located in a dangerous terrain, you have to travel thousands of miles to get here.

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The majestic natural image here makes all visitors overwhelmed

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When sunset falls, the scene becomes even more majestic and mysterious

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