Mysterious circle suspected to be traces of aliens in Australia

Hundreds of mysterious circles appeared in the remote Pilbara region (Western Australia), which locals believe are traces of aliens.
The circles appear on the large grass field, each circle has a diameter of 4-7m. Scientists are still having trouble finding an explanation for these “fairy circles”. Theories include landing by unidentified flying objects (UFOs), termites, or toxic gases.

Hình tròn bí ẩn nghi dấu vết người ngoài hành tinh ở Australia

Hundreds of mysterious circles appear in the vast grasslands of the remote Pilbara region, in Western Australia.

Previously, similar mysterious circles appeared in a desert in Namibia. Local people believe that the circles are the footprints of gods, or caused by dragons, or simply where antelopes sleep. Scientists believe that the circles are created when plants compete for limited water resources.

Hình tròn bí ẩn nghi dấu vết người ngoài hành tinh ở Australia ảnh 1

Returning to the story of the mysterious circles in the West of Australia, Dr. Stephan Getzin in Leipzig, Germany – an expert on hidden wallet circles – said that the circles in Australia are “really very interesting, a of nature’s greatest mysteries will keep us debating for a long time about their origin.”

Hình tròn bí ẩn nghi dấu vết người ngoài hành tinh ở Australia ảnh 2

Dr. Getzin and his colleagues analyzed temperatures, water samples, and observed animal activity around the area with mysterious circles in Australia. To date, researchers say they have not found any traces of ant or termite nests in the circle area.

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