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The evidenceindicates that 1LT Niles did not enter the police station with the intent ofstriking prisoners. The event seemed to surprise everyone involved, including 1LTNiles himself. There was no intent to harm; it was a sudden and unplanned action.The fact that 1LT Niles was removed from his position, subjected to humiliation andshame is a deterrent and reminder to other MPs not to place themselves in that sortof position. This does not require court-martial to achieve deterrent effects.

Added by: Wencesla Serralharia

Any matters that I wish the convening authority to consider, or matters in response to the Staff Judge Advocate’s recommendation must be submitted within 10 days after I or my counsel receive the recommendation of the staff judge advocate, whichever occurs later. Upon my request, the convening authority may extend this period, for good cause, for not more than an additional 20 days. J.At the court martial on I July 2004, Glenn continued to accept responsibilityand step forward to accept his punishment. He demonstrated complete candor with themilitary judge who accepted his plea of guilty on the charge of conduct unbecoming anofficer and a gentleman.

  1. I did not take into account the reports related to the Abu Ghraib prisonscandal.
  2. Accused placed under restraint by militarycounsel should report any authorized.
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  4. To First Lieutenant, groom for theMilitaryPolice Captain’s Career Course and company command.
  5. 2.1LT Niles has been assigned to the unit and served as a Platoon Leader for over 2 years.
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It will also be sent to the general court-martial convening authority for final action. Complex rela tional databaseprevalent in t h e W indowsworld. Unlimited has buih-in NCSA/CERNcompatible log formats, an access log file,and an error log file; Access does not. Delaying the court-martial proceedings while alternate resolution is pursued hasseveral benefits for the command, most importantly time and resources. 4.Your investigation will be completed and forwarded to the 18th Military Police Brigade, Legal Section, not later than ten duty days from receipt of this correspondence. You may approve reasonable defense-requested delays, not to exceed ten duty days in length, occasioned by scheduling conflicts or defense requests for witnesses, and such periods will be excluded.

1LT Niles admitted misconduct in his statement, has never deniedwrongdoing, and the incident was witnessed by three soldiers under his supervision.It is all supported by sufficient evidence. The question for the hearing officer and the appointing authority is how todispose of this case when considering matters of extenuation, mitigation, deterrenteffect; and also, the best interests of 1LT Niles, his unit, and the United StatesArmy. I did not take into account ambt webmail the reports related to the Abu Ghraib prisonscandal. These are two separate events, under different circumstances. A.Glenn Niles is an honorable man, an outstanding officer and a great American!!

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By all accounts, 1LT Niles was a passionate leader who cared aboutboth his mission and his soldiers. This was the testimony of 1LT Niles’ chain ofcommand and his soldiers. The pressures of mission accomplishment included theadministration of Iraq police stations for which 1LT Niles had no experience (MPsreceive provost marshal training as captains), and the training of Iraqi police.There are many accounts throughout American history where leaders made mistakesunder the pressure of their commands. Gen Sherman had a breakdown prior toVicksburg; LTG Patton slapped a soldier. The enormous burdens of our leaders incombat cannot be judged by the same standards of a peacetime army.

Added by: Codrut Tassel

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  2. Therefore, thedefense requests that the Article 32 Investigation be delayed pending resolution of theresignation action.
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  4. 4.If a punitive discharge or confinement for a year or more are adjudged and the convening authority approves the discharge or confinement for a year or more, my case will be reviewed by the Army Court of Criminal Appeals (USACCA).
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  6. 2.After the record of trial is prepared, the convening authority will act on my case.

His dedication was not for his benefit, itwas for the benefit of the Iraqi Police and the Iraqi citizens in general.1LT Niles got mad because detainees had destroyed part of the renovated_detention cell, an area that had extensive contract work completed. He wasfrustrated because he saw the hard work that he supervised get destroyed. (6)The interests of 1LT Niles, his soldiers, and the United States Army.According to testimony presented at the hearing, 1LT Niles is a good officer, a goodhusband and father, and a good man. He already earned a masters degree incounseling prior to receiving his commission, and in particular, he was interestedin helping troubled youths. According to his wife who testified at the hearing, 1LTNiles always wanted to be a soldier and a police officer; as an MP he could “havehis cake and eat it too.” He made one mistake. All of his efforts previous to thestriking of prisoners are greatly diminished by his actions.

Added by: Jonas Tauber

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He learned a lot, grew as an officer,and is a better person for the whole experience. Reagrdless, 1LT Niles was court-martialed last summer and I testified on his behalf.I do not condone his actions but I do not believe that they were egregious enough to cause this officer to lose his commission. I understand that IAW Article 57(a), U.C.M.J., any forfeiture and/or reduction that was part of my sentence will take effect 14 days from the earlier of either a) the date the sentence was imposed, or b) the date the Convening Authority approves the sentence. I understand that under Article 57(a), I can, through my attorney, request that the application of these adjudged punishments be deferred by the Convening Authority until the date the Convening Authority approves the sentence. Fully DMX controllable, as well as sound-activated with a built-in mic.

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