‘Strange nebula’ appears in the New Zealand night sky, is it aliens visiting?

Recently, a “strange nebula” shaped like a blue glowing spiral appeared over New Zealand’s South Island. Many locals who witnessed this rare miraculous sight took photos and posted them on social networks, causing heated discussions among many astronomy fans. Many people speculate that this is likely a trace of aliens visiting earth.

According to Mirror, Stewart Island stargazing guide Alasdair Burns received a text message from a friend at around 7:25 p.m. on June 19, asking him to go outside and look at the sky.

As soon as he stepped outside the house, he saw a giant, blue spiral-shaped unknown object or phenomenon appearing in the dark night. Bones said incredulously: “It looked like a spiral galaxy.” giant snail, hanging in the air, slowly fluttering, very strange.”

Then he knocked on all the neighbors’ doors and invited them to watch this strange astronomical spectacle. He stood on the shared balcony with five people and looked up at the sky. Everyone was horrified by the scene. before your eyes.

In addition to Borns and his neighbors, many local witnesses also shared the photo on social networks, which immediately sparked heated debates among netizens.

Many people speculate that this is likely a trace of aliens visiting earth.

However, physicist Richard Easther of the University of Auckland commented that although this scene is very strange, in fact this is a phenomenon that occurs every time a rocket is launched and a satellite is put into space orbit. . East explains further, when a rocket ignites and spews exhaust gases, water and carbon dioxide, briefly forming an oddly shaped cloud illuminated by the sun.

It is known that on the same day, the American space exploration technology company SpaceX indeed launched the medium-sized launch vehicle Falcon 9 Block 5 (Falcon 9 Block 5) near Cape Canaveral, Florida, onto the company’s communications satellite. US Globalstar satellite communications. “2 FM15” was sent to low Earth orbit. “The shape of the satellite’s orbit and our position relative to the sun, combine to create the strange clouds we see over the South Island,” East points out.

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