Woman’s Compassion: Helping Homeless Man and His Dog at Walmart

The sight of that sign tore his heart. There, right outside the Walmart, stood a homeless man named Patrick, his eyes full of d…


The sight of that sign shattered his heart. Outside Walmart, Patrick, a homeless man, stood with eyes full of desperation. Instead of asking for food or coins for himself, he held a sign pleading for help for his beloved companion. It was a moment that sparked an angelic act of human kindness.


In the world we share, many homeless people have faithful animal companions, despite the ongoing debate and criticism surrounding this practice. The debate usually only becomes relevant when a homeless person’s pet is in danger, which, fortunately, is not the norm.

These people make incredible sacrifices to ensure their pets have a constant source of food, protection from the elements, and a place they can call home.


Wilma Frice, a resident of Houston, Texas, felt a deep shock in her heart when she saw a homeless man parked outside Walmart. His cardboard sign carried a simple but heartbreaking message: “Dog in the pound, I need help.” It was a sign that reflected the love and devotion of a pet owner who had fallen on hard times.


The homeless man in question, Patrick, was not seeking help for himself. He wasn’t looking for food or spare change. Instead, he reached out to the compassionate hearts of passersby, seeking help for his beloved companion, Franklin.

Franklin had ended up in sterling due to a financial obstacle. Patrick could not afford the $120 needed to secure Franklin’s release.


Speaking about her meeting with Patrick, Wilma Frice shared her impressions with People.com, saying, “He seemed to me to be a kind, gentle soul who had simply fallen on hard times. There was desperation in his eyes, like that of a child who had lost his dearest friend.”


After collecting the funds he needed from Wilma, Patrick expressed his gratitude on Facebook and shared the following heartfelt message:

“I am homeless and this wonderful man touched me so much. Franklin is an extraordinary dog. I did this because I was hoping someone would do it for me. I have dedicated my life to helping homeless animals. We must remember that we are all one step away from a situation like this. You will never truly understand someone’s life or circumstances until you have walked in their shoes. I know how hard I work every day to ensure these animals have everything they need and never end up on the streets again while they wait for their forever homes. “I have been blessed with the unconditional love of all the homeless animals in my life.”


Please take a moment to share this extraordinary story with your friends and family. It is a powerful reminder of the extraordinary goodness that can be found in the most unexpected places. When this man needed help, an angel appeared.


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